Friday, December 2, 2011

Cage Render

Concept developed from the cage idea as metioned previously.
Main features being the upper storage area: enclosed by the silhouette tubing , which will either be an open plan area, so that you can store a bag, helmet..
OR perhaps a transparent material, perspex or similar, to keep that dynamic open feeling but actually enclosing the space.

I have included a hybrid swingarm on this concept, which will power the bike from a standstill up to, after which the internal engine (current CBR125 engine) will take over.
The main advantages of this hybrid swingarm is that of efficiency.. in terms of increasing riding distance per litre, as well as acceleration.

Of course also the advantage of the GREEN appeal that the bike would bring, through the reduction of noise pollution as well as the cutting back of CO2 emissions. Something which in itself would be appealing among our target audience.

Proposed Packages:

Honda Hybrid Swingarm

H2onda Hydrogen Hybrid

I still haven't ruled out the H2onda.. with a proposed package being able to fit in relatively similar to that of the Hybrid swingarm concept.
The exception being that the Area width of the fuel cell would be wider than that of the engine.. which may be an issue for a beginner bike.. AS one of the key aspects that I want to portray is that of Balance; In terms of being able to firmly place your feet on the ground, so that you are comfortable and feel in control of the bike

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cage Storage

Following some very helpful feedback received from Oliver, I went onto to dabble into development of a different direction.
Utilising an aesthetic that I had previously touched upon.. with the tubular piping to create a cage like feel; which I still feel portrays safety very boldly, with reference to roll cages etc.
The use of the triangular pipe frame was interesting to begin with.. but seeing it over and over, in bikes so well known Ducati monster, Duke ktm..etc , development of it was going around in circles. So I decided to try something a bit different..

-I was also intrigued by the idea of framing the silhouette of the storage, to make it almost an open area.. so that you could put larger objects through.. skateboard, tennis racket, and still be able to attach it to the piping securely and safely. Will explain this idea more with further drawings later,

-Helmet will also be stored in here, and locked in place by the bars, I think that you could utilise the space underneath which the helmet covers to create a safe, security pocket.. to store valuables if need be. 

-The exposed space with bars crossing would create quite a striking visual element,
fairer representation of ribs.

Functionally it would still operate in a similar fashion to my previous storage detail post.

I would like to have something SOLID and RESOLVED.. concept wise, by the weekend

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Riding Posture and Position

Analysis into how this concept will feel with a rider and passenger mounted on it. 
With a little bit of repositioning of the foot pegs I was able to come to an ideal rider triangle. I really like the posture and position of this.. very alert and assertive position, yet still able to feel relaxed and seemingly cool... something which I wanted to address through the adaption of an upright setting position without looking rigid and dorky. 

From this perspective drawing (being a bit off) the rider seems higher in position than in the side view. BUT even though the body of this bike is quite small and lower than others, it does feel as though the rider has good balance and control over the bike, 
-Large wheels and forks help to address this  


Something which I would like to address more is... How will this concept look when dark?
I would like the red piping frame to illuminate when dark, like a side light running through the core of it: Glowing Skeleton.
Even though the riders leg will cover some of the frame.. it would still be beneficial in terms of safety and aesthetic for the frame to light up. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Demand for more efficient vehicles

Just a summary and update on my ongoing research into Hydrogen as an alternative, efficient and sustainable fuel source... seems as though it is becoming more common than first thought. With all major companies having had a go at it at one stage or another.. none      really having any HUGE success, 
however.. with the rapidly developing technology and the search/DEMAND to cut back on fuel emissions, Hydrogen will definitely be making its mark in the near future

Its no motorbike.. BUT Toyota have announced there plan to release a Fuel Cell fully powered hydrogen sedan in 2015

With Emission regulations getting ever tougher, even Toyota (with the success they have with the Prius) is seeking out ways to offer even “greener” vehicles

"One of the main offerings of a hydrogen economy is that the fuel can replace the fossil fuel burned in internal combustion engines and turbines as the primary way to convert chemical energy into kinetic or electrical energy; hereby eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from that engine."

A very interesting and informative animation article I found on how a Hydrogen Fuel Cell works if anyone is keen to have a look:

This gave me a greater insight into the workings of Fuel Stack (a stack of fuel cells) in terms of how it converts the oxygen and hydrogen into electricity; which powers the electric motor

Another innovative prospect of having a solar/wind powered hydrogen generator in your home garage, so you effectively are able to generate and store your own fuel using a natural means of energy. ZERO EMMISIONS..

this begs the question though, of what if its a cloudy, non-windy day? perhaps a plug in alternative is needed also to combat this. Nevertheless it is inspiring to see alternative fuel processes which are striving to stay away from petrol combustion engines. 

Clean Hydrogen In European Cities:

Larger example and very fitting to our target area, of an initiative set up throughout Europe for the full commercialisation of Hydrogen fuel celled buses, to eliminate the environmental issues associated with public transport.

-Fuel stations and infrastructure
-Advancement of hydrogen storage technology
-Efficiency of hydrogen engine/motor
these are just some of the many benefits that this project is creating.. which will be able to be adapted into other hydrogen vehicles, including the H2onda Hydrogen Hybrid