Sunday, November 27, 2011

Riding Posture and Position

Analysis into how this concept will feel with a rider and passenger mounted on it. 
With a little bit of repositioning of the foot pegs I was able to come to an ideal rider triangle. I really like the posture and position of this.. very alert and assertive position, yet still able to feel relaxed and seemingly cool... something which I wanted to address through the adaption of an upright setting position without looking rigid and dorky. 

From this perspective drawing (being a bit off) the rider seems higher in position than in the side view. BUT even though the body of this bike is quite small and lower than others, it does feel as though the rider has good balance and control over the bike, 
-Large wheels and forks help to address this  


Something which I would like to address more is... How will this concept look when dark?
I would like the red piping frame to illuminate when dark, like a side light running through the core of it: Glowing Skeleton.
Even though the riders leg will cover some of the frame.. it would still be beneficial in terms of safety and aesthetic for the frame to light up. 

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