Sunday, November 6, 2011

Group Discussion Points

From our first group meeting we discussed and established the main features which the developed 125 should have.

Some points reoccurred continuously throughout the group and were mutually agreed upon as being imperative aspects that the new bike must have.

"Don't try to be something that you're not"  
This above all was the most commonly mentioned factor in our findings. A design that tries to make the bike look bigger or faster then it actually is... not our future.
-Be true to the design and the bike, through an exposed or semi-exposed engine, no large unnecessary fairings

Storage: Integrated and Stylised

Storage is a key aspect for our target market and being able to easily carry belongings is something which must be incorporated into the bike itself, as opposed to an often unattractive add-on.
-Stylised storage, attachment that looks as part of the bike and large under seat capacity
-Smaller compartment for storing wallet, phone and smaller items


-There must be 2 seats, 1 for carrying a passenger short distances
-Adjustable seat height to accommodate for a large percentile of users and also allows for customisation of riding positions for different situations

Aesthetic: SAFETY

-Not Intimidating/Non-Aggressive
-Harmony and peace
-Personalise through personification
-Exhaust tucked under seat or hidden a bit more
-Curves and circles as opposed to straight hard, harsh edges
-Plastic 10L tank


-Allowing the user to make the bike their own, giving it a personification of a character so that it becomes more personalised and more than just an object
-Creates bond and builds a deeper connection


-Building a name and solid reputation for this bike, so that it is commonly known and referred to as a positive desirable product e.g. what apple has done with the iPod

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