Wednesday, November 23, 2011

2 steps backward... 3 steps forward.

-A bit of rethinking of my concept direction after reviewing my key aspects through my latest development.. and decided that I was not satisfied with the aesthetic that they had.
-At first I wanted to have an exposed engine, naked chassis to achieve the idea of 'not trying to be something your not', so showing the bare bones of the bike. But I have now realised that there are other ways of going about this..

Covering up of all mechanical aspects of the bike: for our target market of 2018.. the mechanics of the bike will more or less only be an aesthetic element to have. 
16-22 year olds will not care how the bike functions,so lets cover it up. 
Helps also to further reinforce the idea of FLOW.. fluid organic body.

-Also through feedback that I received from Paolo about this concept his main points reflected the ideologies behind my approach:
*Non-aggressive general proportions
*Dynamic details,
*Simple non-intimidating forms and shapes

-I have also decided to switch around the space of my storage and fuel.. in order to lower the centre of gravity on the bike.. thus reinforcing the idea of BALANCE.
As well as the general shape of the front compartment being able to better accomodate a helmet, and also being accessible whilst mounted on the bike. 

-The pipe framing through the middle of the bike will be the main visual feature which draws attention to the bike.. screaming safety and reliability. It will sit flush with the body of the bike, and actual piping will be embedded into the side. It would almost be like if you were to tear away a patch of skin from your ribs and have your rib cage exposed.. same sort of aesthetic.

During the day this will be seen as bright coloured frame.. which will contrast with the black body of the bike.
Whilst at night, I would like the frame to be able to light up to add to this defining feature, as well as being a very helpful safety feature.

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