Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen

"There’s a promising way to boost the mileage of fuel for gas engines, and that is by adding hydrogen towards the fuel/air mixture."

"Hydrogen boosted fuel engines work well due to little rates of NOX emission gas. For this reason, the need for external NOX emissions control could be completely eliminated."

Basically what this article was saying is that by using a Hydrogen boosted fuel engine, it will not only enable you to save money on gas, by improving your car’s fuel efficiency, but also will eliminate or significantly lessen the environmental effects that combustion from petreol engines have. As well as effectively eliminating the energy crisis that we face today.


"Late last year, seven major manufacturers signed a deal to begin producing fuel-cell cars by the middle of this decade, perhaps at the rate of 10,000 a year."-including Toyota, General Motors, Ford, Hyundai-Kia: http://www.torquenews.com/1070/kia-shows-commitment-zero-emission-auto-technologies

(Where is Honda??)

"In Korea today there are enough operational refuelling sites
 to allow a fuel-cell car to be driven anywhere in the country and be within range of hydrogen."

There is no doubt in my mind that moving towards the future, there is going to HAVE to be a change towards the way in which we run our vehicles.. and if we are serious about a sound alternative to not only resolve the energy dilema we face but also cut CO2 emissions and help sustain our environment, I see Hydrogen as the way to go.

"Fuel-cell cars are as brisk, smooth and silent as any other form of electric propulsion, and they don't suffer the down-time of vehicles that need their batteries recharged every 100 miles or so. They are a more intelligent solution than hybrids, which will always be reliant on fossil fuels for the vast majority of their mileage."


"A hydrogen fuel cell stack uses a chemical process to generate the electricity to power the car, so the kind of large, heavy battery pack used in conventional electric cars is unnecessary. Even better, refueling takes no longer than filling up a car with gasoline."

Mercedes and Toyota both have a fleet of 2012 Vehicles ready to go, which run on Hydrogen fuel cells.. with a "2 to 1 advantage on per mile fuel cost over gasoline engines"

"...the main problem with hydrogen-powered cars is that the hydrogen has to be created first by electrolyzing water. He says the process is expensive and complex, two killers in the auto industry."

BUT is our environment and future energy sustainability not worth the extra cost now?
Once hydrogen stations are set up I believe the benefits of utilising hydrogen will eventually out way the initial start up costs of this... 

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