Friday, December 2, 2011

Cage Render

Concept developed from the cage idea as metioned previously.
Main features being the upper storage area: enclosed by the silhouette tubing , which will either be an open plan area, so that you can store a bag, helmet..
OR perhaps a transparent material, perspex or similar, to keep that dynamic open feeling but actually enclosing the space.

I have included a hybrid swingarm on this concept, which will power the bike from a standstill up to, after which the internal engine (current CBR125 engine) will take over.
The main advantages of this hybrid swingarm is that of efficiency.. in terms of increasing riding distance per litre, as well as acceleration.

Of course also the advantage of the GREEN appeal that the bike would bring, through the reduction of noise pollution as well as the cutting back of CO2 emissions. Something which in itself would be appealing among our target audience.

Proposed Packages:

Honda Hybrid Swingarm

H2onda Hydrogen Hybrid

I still haven't ruled out the H2onda.. with a proposed package being able to fit in relatively similar to that of the Hybrid swingarm concept.
The exception being that the Area width of the fuel cell would be wider than that of the engine.. which may be an issue for a beginner bike.. AS one of the key aspects that I want to portray is that of Balance; In terms of being able to firmly place your feet on the ground, so that you are comfortable and feel in control of the bike

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Cage Storage

Following some very helpful feedback received from Oliver, I went onto to dabble into development of a different direction.
Utilising an aesthetic that I had previously touched upon.. with the tubular piping to create a cage like feel; which I still feel portrays safety very boldly, with reference to roll cages etc.
The use of the triangular pipe frame was interesting to begin with.. but seeing it over and over, in bikes so well known Ducati monster, Duke ktm..etc , development of it was going around in circles. So I decided to try something a bit different..

-I was also intrigued by the idea of framing the silhouette of the storage, to make it almost an open area.. so that you could put larger objects through.. skateboard, tennis racket, and still be able to attach it to the piping securely and safely. Will explain this idea more with further drawings later,

-Helmet will also be stored in here, and locked in place by the bars, I think that you could utilise the space underneath which the helmet covers to create a safe, security pocket.. to store valuables if need be. 

-The exposed space with bars crossing would create quite a striking visual element,
fairer representation of ribs.

Functionally it would still operate in a similar fashion to my previous storage detail post.

I would like to have something SOLID and RESOLVED.. concept wise, by the weekend

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Riding Posture and Position

Analysis into how this concept will feel with a rider and passenger mounted on it. 
With a little bit of repositioning of the foot pegs I was able to come to an ideal rider triangle. I really like the posture and position of this.. very alert and assertive position, yet still able to feel relaxed and seemingly cool... something which I wanted to address through the adaption of an upright setting position without looking rigid and dorky. 

From this perspective drawing (being a bit off) the rider seems higher in position than in the side view. BUT even though the body of this bike is quite small and lower than others, it does feel as though the rider has good balance and control over the bike, 
-Large wheels and forks help to address this  


Something which I would like to address more is... How will this concept look when dark?
I would like the red piping frame to illuminate when dark, like a side light running through the core of it: Glowing Skeleton.
Even though the riders leg will cover some of the frame.. it would still be beneficial in terms of safety and aesthetic for the frame to light up. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Demand for more efficient vehicles

Just a summary and update on my ongoing research into Hydrogen as an alternative, efficient and sustainable fuel source... seems as though it is becoming more common than first thought. With all major companies having had a go at it at one stage or another.. none      really having any HUGE success, 
however.. with the rapidly developing technology and the search/DEMAND to cut back on fuel emissions, Hydrogen will definitely be making its mark in the near future

Its no motorbike.. BUT Toyota have announced there plan to release a Fuel Cell fully powered hydrogen sedan in 2015

With Emission regulations getting ever tougher, even Toyota (with the success they have with the Prius) is seeking out ways to offer even “greener” vehicles

"One of the main offerings of a hydrogen economy is that the fuel can replace the fossil fuel burned in internal combustion engines and turbines as the primary way to convert chemical energy into kinetic or electrical energy; hereby eliminating greenhouse gas emissions and pollution from that engine."

A very interesting and informative animation article I found on how a Hydrogen Fuel Cell works if anyone is keen to have a look:

This gave me a greater insight into the workings of Fuel Stack (a stack of fuel cells) in terms of how it converts the oxygen and hydrogen into electricity; which powers the electric motor

Another innovative prospect of having a solar/wind powered hydrogen generator in your home garage, so you effectively are able to generate and store your own fuel using a natural means of energy. ZERO EMMISIONS..

this begs the question though, of what if its a cloudy, non-windy day? perhaps a plug in alternative is needed also to combat this. Nevertheless it is inspiring to see alternative fuel processes which are striving to stay away from petrol combustion engines. 

Clean Hydrogen In European Cities:

Larger example and very fitting to our target area, of an initiative set up throughout Europe for the full commercialisation of Hydrogen fuel celled buses, to eliminate the environmental issues associated with public transport.

-Fuel stations and infrastructure
-Advancement of hydrogen storage technology
-Efficiency of hydrogen engine/motor
these are just some of the many benefits that this project is creating.. which will be able to be adapted into other hydrogen vehicles, including the H2onda Hydrogen Hybrid

3/4 View

3/4 view of the H2HH .. still getting the hang of the rendering of motorbikes. ANY tips or advice would be greatly appreciated.
-Need to work on making the triangular piping looking more striking and embedded in the body of the bike. Looks quite flat at the moment

-From this view I do like the dip that the body has which leads onto the piping, Looks as though the bike has strong bulky shoulders, yet still slims out so that its overall width is manageable for the rider.
Will need to find out what the width of this compartment will need to be in order to accomodate the storage of a helmet and other items.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


sooo cool, love this idea.. all the mechanisms are so cutback. It's more like an appliance then a bike, such a great feel to it.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


-Dynamic, clean flowing body, contrasted with the red triangular pipe framing.. as if showing off the skeletal structure of the bikes body.

-Continuation of one of the struts of the frame, to wrap around to the back of the bike.. which also acts as the supporting hand hold for the passenger

I have lowered the seat height to just above the height of the tires, with an even shallower dip in front of the seat to allow for easy maneuverability of wheeling the bike around.. as well as giving the rider the reassurance of being able to have both feet planted on the ground.

The front storage compartment is able to fit a helmet comfortably, with enough room to also store other things such as a jacket, books, phone, wallet etc...

Panther like form.. sleek and strong upper shoulders, reinforced through the choice of a black body kit.


2 steps backward... 3 steps forward.

-A bit of rethinking of my concept direction after reviewing my key aspects through my latest development.. and decided that I was not satisfied with the aesthetic that they had.
-At first I wanted to have an exposed engine, naked chassis to achieve the idea of 'not trying to be something your not', so showing the bare bones of the bike. But I have now realised that there are other ways of going about this..

Covering up of all mechanical aspects of the bike: for our target market of 2018.. the mechanics of the bike will more or less only be an aesthetic element to have. 
16-22 year olds will not care how the bike functions,so lets cover it up. 
Helps also to further reinforce the idea of FLOW.. fluid organic body.

-Also through feedback that I received from Paolo about this concept his main points reflected the ideologies behind my approach:
*Non-aggressive general proportions
*Dynamic details,
*Simple non-intimidating forms and shapes

-I have also decided to switch around the space of my storage and fuel.. in order to lower the centre of gravity on the bike.. thus reinforcing the idea of BALANCE.
As well as the general shape of the front compartment being able to better accomodate a helmet, and also being accessible whilst mounted on the bike. 

-The pipe framing through the middle of the bike will be the main visual feature which draws attention to the bike.. screaming safety and reliability. It will sit flush with the body of the bike, and actual piping will be embedded into the side. It would almost be like if you were to tear away a patch of skin from your ribs and have your rib cage exposed.. same sort of aesthetic.

During the day this will be seen as bright coloured frame.. which will contrast with the black body of the bike.
Whilst at night, I would like the frame to be able to light up to add to this defining feature, as well as being a very helpful safety feature.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Update of latest sketches


Realised that this kind of frame is not going to work.. connected all the way to the rear wheel, obviously needs a brake before there in order for the swingarm to be attached. 

Form is a bit more agreesive or perhaps I should use dynamic.. I don't think this is an issue, because it doesn't make the bike anymore less or more intimidating. Just more dynamic and in my mind interesting which is not a bad thing.
-Would like to explore the lighting up on the tubular structure as not only a safety feature but as a personality for the bike 

This is a progression of my Hydrogen hybrid concept..  pretty unrealistic at the moment, but the idea is that the frame will pierce into a main cylinder where the mechanics of the hybrid motor will be stored. Very skeleton like, a lot of empty space.. but then again often Less Is More

Underseat storage space. The idea is that the dip in front of the main seat acts as a step through as well as a convenient access space to the storage, so you can put all your personal belongings from your pocket and things easily into this space whilst on the bike.

-To access the main or larger route of storage.. you slide the rider seat forward, which unlocks rear seat, and one you pivot the rear seat up.. access to the space is granted

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Proposed Hydrogen Installment

Hydrogen fuel cell, utilising air intake and hydrogen fuel, powering an electric motor..
With large underseat capacity storage.

Further Development

Diagram showing how Rider and passenger would be seated on my concept bike,
Feel as though the front forks are a bit to upright: 18 degrees, will try pulling them back further and reassess the riding position.
The seat position is low enough to the ground that it will provide confidence for the user, being able to have both feet firmly planted if necessary, the back is large enough for a passenger to fit comfortably, yet still be stable and balanced.

Development of the front head of the bike, utilising symbolism and motifs of a hawk head
-Circle inside geometrical tapered shape 
Development of framework and body.
-Squeezing the front fuel cell, higher and skinner, to allow for the seat to drop a few more cm, almost being perpendicular with the top of the wheels.. is this to low? considering that the wheels will be larger in size.
-Red frame is my favourite thus far, combination of sweeping bottom curve and triangular cross frame is quite appealing, also the red colour adds to the effect of 'safety'. The motor pops out through one of the triangular frames.   
-Is it getting to aggressive in form? perhaps seeing this in 3D will help me better judge flaws of this concept.
-Further detail development sketches of footpegs, light, storage and dash to come..

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Quick first attempt at rendering a motorbike... much more practice needed

Trying to collate all my ideas into one form... Safety, Convenience, Practical, Organic flowing lines combined with solid geometrical frame bottom.

Drew this today and is inspired from the form of a hawk or eagle (article about this, mentioned earlier in my blog). I quite like the front beak like shape, contrasted with the large copper fork.
I've push the tank higher and made it slimmer, to allow the lowest point of the bike to be directly in the middle of the wheel base; semi-step through like but not quite, enough clearance though for the rider to have their feet comfortably planted.

-Will need to resolve how the foot pedals, centre stand, display and storage will work.

-As well as the development of the transistion between the sweeping curves into the geometrical lines.

Ideally this would be a Hydrogen hybrid powered bike.. havn't drawn in the engine or anything.. but i think there should be enough room for it to fit in comfortably in this design.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Concept recap and key elements

A few of my collated concept ideas with the general them of utilising an adaption of the Cafe Racer featherbed frame.
With a focus on:

-Using the tubular frame as both a practical structure as well as conveying safety
-Hiding the exhaust, tucking it under the seat
-Large underseat storage space
-Exposed engine or partially braced over
-Flowing organic lines combined with the triangular steel frame
-Naked, skeleton like bottom half of the bike
-Large suspension and keeping current common associations with the motorbike

I would like to further look into the idea of balance on the bike both stationary and whilst riding,
-Making the bike a more 'portable social platform' where you can chill out comfortably whilst being stationary, through development of the centre stand and perhaps a flat are where you can rest objects; drink, food etc.

ALSO further investigation into the incorporation of a Hydrogen Hybrid bike:

what things need to be added/taken away to accommodate for this?
is it as easy as simply just switching in the hydrogen supply to my current designs?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Hydrogen Hydrogen Hydrogen

"There’s a promising way to boost the mileage of fuel for gas engines, and that is by adding hydrogen towards the fuel/air mixture."

"Hydrogen boosted fuel engines work well due to little rates of NOX emission gas. For this reason, the need for external NOX emissions control could be completely eliminated."

Basically what this article was saying is that by using a Hydrogen boosted fuel engine, it will not only enable you to save money on gas, by improving your car’s fuel efficiency, but also will eliminate or significantly lessen the environmental effects that combustion from petreol engines have. As well as effectively eliminating the energy crisis that we face today.

"Late last year, seven major manufacturers signed a deal to begin producing fuel-cell cars by the middle of this decade, perhaps at the rate of 10,000 a year."-including Toyota, General Motors, Ford, Hyundai-Kia:

(Where is Honda??)

"In Korea today there are enough operational refuelling sites
 to allow a fuel-cell car to be driven anywhere in the country and be within range of hydrogen."

There is no doubt in my mind that moving towards the future, there is going to HAVE to be a change towards the way in which we run our vehicles.. and if we are serious about a sound alternative to not only resolve the energy dilema we face but also cut CO2 emissions and help sustain our environment, I see Hydrogen as the way to go.

"Fuel-cell cars are as brisk, smooth and silent as any other form of electric propulsion, and they don't suffer the down-time of vehicles that need their batteries recharged every 100 miles or so. They are a more intelligent solution than hybrids, which will always be reliant on fossil fuels for the vast majority of their mileage."

"A hydrogen fuel cell stack uses a chemical process to generate the electricity to power the car, so the kind of large, heavy battery pack used in conventional electric cars is unnecessary. Even better, refueling takes no longer than filling up a car with gasoline."

Mercedes and Toyota both have a fleet of 2012 Vehicles ready to go, which run on Hydrogen fuel cells.. with a "2 to 1 advantage on per mile fuel cost over gasoline engines"

"...the main problem with hydrogen-powered cars is that the hydrogen has to be created first by electrolyzing water. He says the process is expensive and complex, two killers in the auto industry."

BUT is our environment and future energy sustainability not worth the extra cost now?
Once hydrogen stations are set up I believe the benefits of utilising hydrogen will eventually out way the initial start up costs of this... 

Suzuki Crosscage Hydrogen Power

Hydrogen as a viable alternative source of power?

Here's what Suzuki have been working on for the past few years, due to be released in 2012

-Slims down design and eliminates the need for a radiator or cooling system
-The exhaust emits only water vapor, thus helping to protect the environment
-On a single tank of hydrogen it is able to travel about 200km and has the power output equivalent of 125CC
I am also quite a fan of the cross bracing steel tubing across the engine